Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Before Rold gold Virgin

Via Shakesville nevertheless another piece rejected food became a pious symbol, which avowed of more than its cost per ounce.Pretzel owner Michael Fleming is appropriate for KVAL that it found the brezel in a bag of the Rold of gold to three years. "people seemed generally by these pictures moved," say Fleming. "and they seem real to believe that virgin Maria, before them."Fleming on the brezel for three years hung is to keep so much quality time with it supposed, as possible, before it released.... them to world.He's, which receives something assistance, that receives it there out - on eBay. Supported by Eugene Oregon Jockey Tanner Haney.DJ Tanner Haney disk of the rock station KFLY could not be achieved for note. He explained KVAL television set in Eugene, ", which are we kind of capitalization on the Stupidity of eBay and these people buy everything." He regales the donkey appearance from 2 to 6 P.M. Really?Do, which you see it? Click to Fleischkloe for more.
Source: http://thegallopingbeaver.blogspot.com/2008/02/rold-gold-virgin.html

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